Baby Dance appeared in The "Smart Parent" magazine on 16th January, 2014



Baby Dance appeared in the Sunday "Kiss" magazine on 10th June, 2013



Baby Dance is reported by a famous local newspaper Ming Pao Daily on 22nd October, 2011:
Click here to see the online version.



Press Archive - Hong Kong Economic Times 17th January, 2011 

Preparation for interviews:

1. Consistently train the above 6 types of intelligence PLUS the politeness and responsiveness.

2. Have a good sleep right before the interview day and wake him/her up sweetly to ensure he or she has a good mood during interview.

3. Bring some favorable treats (dolls, juice, dried fruits or even a toy) to entice your kids if he/she has an average or stable performance – let him/her “enjoy” interviews

4. Bring or submit a profile of your kids with all the achieved Certificates. Don’t forget your Baby Dance Certificate if you achieved!

5. Attend more interviews to generate more experiences and widen your own choices

6. Have smart but not necessarily to be very formal dressing and be consistent for parents and kid.

7. Observe the reactions and feelings of your kids about the kindergarten. It is important to choose a school that he/she loves.

Hope the above tips help and Good Luck to the interviews!

Baby Dance

Bring a Friend